I am grateful this morning for God’s kindness to Veritas Academy. We have come through another semester of classical, Christian, and covenantal teaching and learning. Through the high mountaintops and deep valleys in our studies, in our relationships, in our hearts, and with the coronavirus, the Lord has been faithful to do His work, shape us, and conform us to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29 and Philippians 16).
This Christmas season I have thought much on the humility of Christ in His coming. The incarnation, “when the Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us,” (John 1:14) and every detail of His humble birth point us to a radical idea about God’s economy. God’s way of doing the business of His kingdom and His approach to accomplishing His purposes, is the opposite of what humanity assumes. Man’s economy works through the channels of power, control, and domination. God sent a baby in a manger (Luke 2:7). God “looked upon the humble estate of His servant,” Mary (Luke 1:48). His kingdom came “because of the tender mercy of our God” (Luke 1:78).
Our reflex is to assume that bigger numbers, more control, or greater popularity are the measures of achievement. In some way these markers might be meaningful temporally, but not eternally. We sometimes confuse growth, prosperity and social media likes with God’s blessing. These things may come by God’s blessing, but they are never proof of God’s blessing. God’s economy, His way of blessing is one of humility, sacrifice, and weakness. He became one of us in the form of a servant. His miraculous power came to the sick, blind, and lame who dared touch the hem of His garment. Salvation comes by submission. Success comes by taking up our cross to follow Him. Redemption comes by the death of a Lamb. Victory comes by blood. Salvation is by grace through faith -not of ourselves, lest we should boast (Ephesians 2:8-9) -which is always our inclination without the humility of Christ. May the humility of His coming change how we think and live this Christmas.
Each year for the past eight years I have assembled a list of recommended books for our families. At Veritas we believe reading is important. It is important for parents to read to their children often. It is important for children to read on their own -lots of books! And it is important for parents to set the example for their children by reading books themselves. Quality books should be a significant part of your family’s daily life. There is an inarguable statistical connection between books read to a young child, books read by children, books read by parents, and the child’s future academic achievement. With this in mind, I offer this 2020 book list. Each year I try to select quality, accessible, and enjoyable reads for the parent who is not a regular reader but needs a place to start, and for the parent who is a regular reader and might benefit from some suggestions. So, here you go. Glorify God. Enjoy Him forever. And read a good book! (You can view previous years’ lists here)
In addition to my book list, you might also enjoy these lists of recommendations from 2020. There are some wonderful books in these lists.
Trevin Wax’s Ten Favorite Reads of 2020
Best Books of 2020 from FiveBooks.com (Not a Christian site. Interesting lists but use discernment.)
Wall Street Journal’s 10 Best Books of 2020 (a subscription might be required.)
Merry Christmas and Happy Reading!
About The Author: Andrea Jarrett
More posts by Andrea Jarrett