I hope you have enjoyed a wonderful summer. In just a few days we will launch another school year. We are very much looking forward to a fantastic 2019-2020. The staff and teachers have been working diligently to get all the details ready for the first day on Monday, August 12.


TWO Areas of RECOMMITMENT: There are two areas to which we as a school will be prayerfully and faithfully recommitting ourselves to for 2019-20.

  1. Parent Involvement in their child’s education: Veritas Academy is a Covenantal Family Based School. This is one of our  Foundational Commitments (core values). Our statement says, we endeavor to provide a model of educating children in which parental involvement is encouraged, indeed, even required. Parent engagement with their children in the afternoons or evenings is an essential aspect of what makes Veritas, Veritas. So, please do commit yourself afresh to the at-home reading, following the teacher’s daily instructions, and helping your child to study and learn.
  2. Family Devotions: Another Foundational Commitment is Christian Worldview. We desire that all aspects of our children’s education be founded upon biblical truth. On our admissions application and on the enrollment contract we state that parents are expected to provide 10-15 minutes of daily home chapel/family devotions and Bible instruction for their children. So, we are asking you to commit yourself afresh to spending daily time with your family in Scripture reading, prayer, and worship. To this end you can utilize our Psalms and Hymns and our Home Chapel Guide (available under “Current Families” on our website.) as aids for family worship. They are provided as helpful resources. You may use other helpful guides if you wish. We have reformatted the Home Chapel Guide to make it easier for families with children in multiple grades.