I hope your summer is going well. We are basically three weeks in with eight weeks to go until the first day of school on August 13. Enjoy the break because summer will be over before you know it. I heard once that humans have the sense that time passes quickly because we are created in the image of God (who inhabits eternity, Isa 57:15) and therefore have a sense of eternity built into our consciousness. Time flies because we are created with an internal sense of eternity. Right now counts -so enjoy your children as God’s gifts and relish the days you have. But right now is not all there is. God made us such that we long for and live for a future beyond our days in this world.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:11
Please remember to pray for Veritas over the summer. The teachers and staff are working diligently to prepare for another great year of teaching your children and serving your family. As I look back over the past several years, I am thankful for God’s blessings. He has, indeed, provided for us. We’ve seen good steady growth in enrollment, exceptionally high student retention rates (families come and stay), the establishment of an excellent faculty, and stable finances. On the other hand, as I look to the years ahead I see room for improvement. There are ways we could serve our families more effectively and provide an even better classical, Christian, and covenantal education to our children. Veritas needs your prayers for God’s work, God’s provision, and God’s guidance. We are always striving to improve -content with where God has us, but never satisfied that we have fulfilled all God has planned for us.
Summer 2018 Prayer Requests
1) Pray for our new teachers and staff: Tiffany Breckenridge (4th grade), Mary Robison (Science and Algebra), Kendall Cleveland (Humanities), Joy Fatzinger (Teacher’s Aid and PE), Barbara Rustine (Teacher’s Aid), Alison Brunson (Admissions Director), and Laura Humphreys (Office Assistant). Pray that each can prepare well for the new school year. Ask for grace and wisdom as they and their families adjust to the new responsibilities.
2) Pray for ALL the teachers and staff, returnees and new arrivals -that God would strengthen each and equip them for a great 2018-19.
3) Pray for the teachers yet to be hired. God has them out there. We just have not yet connected with them. Pray for God to provide teachers for Math(part-time, 6th & 7th grade), Drama (8th-12th grade), and Physical Education(1 or 2 classes per week). If you are interested or if you know of potential candidates, please contact me at staylor@VeritasSavannah.org.
4) Pray for Veritas as we prepare for another accreditation visit from the ACCS. In February 2017 we received full accreditation from the ACCS. Their process is to revisit/reevaluate the school after two years, so they will be back in February 2019. So, we are preparing diligently this summer and fall to send in our updated documentation and prepare our classrooms. After this two-year visit, they will return only every five years.
About The Author: Scott Taylor
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