In recent weeks we have been looking at a series of core value statements that articulate the essentials of a Veritas education. The sixth and final foundational commitment speaks to how we view our routines, habits, practices -our outward forms. In this statement we are saying that habits, practices, and routines instruct the mind and shape heart as powerfully as the truths students hear from teachers and learn from books. This is NOT to undervalue, in any way, knowledge, propositions, ideas, words, concepts, and principles from teachers and books. But it is to say that outward forms help shape the inner life of students. Requiring students to look you in the eye when they shake hands, or stand out of respect when an adult enters the classroom, or wear uniforms to school, or learn Regency era dances contributes to molding our children into people of wisdom and virtue.
Here is the statement of the sixth foundational commitment.
At VERITAS ACADEMY we are committed to Appropriate Forms and Habits:
We believe that true education recognizes that hearts and minds are shaped not only by ideas and knowledge, but also by practices, habits, routines, and liturgies.
We seek to deliberately develop a culture in the school in which every idea, truth, and concept has its fitting visible expression. We seek not the artificial formality of the arrogant, nor formality for formality’s sake, but rather a wise attention to form that continually favors appropriateness over casual and comfortable complacency. We believe that true education recognizes that hearts and minds are shaped not by ideas and knowledge only, but also by practices, habits, routines, and liturgies.
About The Author: Veritas Academy
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