Greetings! The school year is moving right along. The first quarter ended last Friday, October 12. This year is off to a fantastic start thanks to the hard work and faithfulness of our faculty and staff. God has blessed Veritas with amazing servants -in the classrooms, teaching our children and in the office, serving the school community. To them, I say . . .
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. Philippians 1:3-5
There are several items for prayer and praise at Veritas this week.
1) Veritas hosted David Goodwin, President of the ACCS, our parent organization and accrediting agency. He and Chris Schlect from New St. Andrews College, were at the school on Wednesday to observe, learn, and encourage. They both spoke very highly of the quality of our teachers and program.
2) Speaking of the ACCS, we just sent in our accreditation renewal package last week. Veritas was first accredited by the ACCS in February 2017. In the ACCS all newly accredited schools must renew their accreditation after two years. The accreditation committee from the ACCS will be at Veritas again in February 2019. God willing, we will have our accreditation renewed and will not have to go through the process again until 2024, in five years. Please pray for God’s favor in this process.
3) Check the Friday Memo for the schedule for our athletics games and meets. Get out there and cheer on the Gryphons! Our volleyball, cross country, and flag football teams are having great seasons.
4) Mark your calendars for Grandparents Day on Friday, November 2. Please be sure to invite the Grandparents. Invitations were mailed last week. This is always a fun and exciting day. We are planning something a little different for the meal after the program -details coming soon . . .
About The Author: Scott Taylor
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