Contemplatio . . . something to think about.

What is Classical Education? by Louis Markos. Markos offers five essential elements of classical education. These five elements may be implemented in different ways in different schools, but they are the common denominators of classical education, whether it be classical Christian education or a secularized classical program. As you read the article, you’ll note that the classical schools that are not specifically Christian still rest on a biblical understanding of man (#3 below).

  1. Committed to providing a liberal arts education rather than utilitarian or vocational training. Nurtures students who can think and learn for themselves.
  2. Grounded in the Great Books of the western intellectual tradition.
  3. Rests on a vision of man as possessing inherent worth and value (the Christian doctrine of the imago Dei) while yet existing in a state of brokenness and rebellion (the Christian doctrine of the Fall).
  4. Provides an education in virtue. Teaches students to properly align their lives with that which is good, true, and beautiful.
  5. Committed to the centrality of the trivium –a model of education that conducts students through a threefold path of grammar, logic, and rhetoric.

Grace and peace,

Scott Taylor, Headmaster

Veritas Academy