What does Veritas mean?
Veritas is the Latin word for “Truth.”
Where do you hold your classes?
The Independent Presbyterian Church (at the corner of Bull Street and Oglethorpe Avenue in the historic district) graciously hosts our Grammar School classes in the Axon Education Building, our Logic School classes in the Administration Building, and our Rhetoric School classes in the Whitaker Street Building.
What is the size of your student body?
Currently, Veritas Academy has more than 190 students enrolled in Pre-Kindergarten through 12th Grade.
What is the student-teacher ratio?
Veritas offers small class sizes with approximately 10-15 students per classroom teacher.
Are you an accredited school?
Veritas Academy is fully accredited by the Association of Classical and Christian Schools . ACCS accreditation is recognized and approved by the Georgia Department of Education through the Georgia Private School Accreditation Council.
Is Veritas affiliated with any religious denomination?
Veritas Academy is an explicitly Christian school. Our doctrinal foundation is Presbyterian and Reformed. Our Board, Staff, and Faculty hold to the basic doctrines espoused in the Westminster Confession of Faith. You can learn more about our faith foundation in our Statement of Faith.
Although Independent Presbyterian Church (IPC) graciously supports our work and allows us to use its facilities, Veritas Academy has a separate Board of Directors and is not directly governed by IPC. Our students come from families belonging to a variety of Christian churches and denominations; including Presbyterian, Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, and non-denominational. All academic subjects are presented with the Biblical worldview fully integrated so that students learn to discover the Creator’s hand at work and to “think God’s thoughts after Him.”
What is a classical school?
By “classical,” we mean that Veritas Academy is classical in content and methodology. The core of the curriculum is an integrated study of the humanities. History is studied in depth and its time-line provides the structure to which we peg great and time-proven literature, music, and art. Methodologically we follow the classical Trivium of Grammar (with substantial memorization at the elementary school level), Logic (learning to argue correctly in middle school), and Rhetoric (emphasizing articulate oral and written presentations in high school). For a deeper look at the mechanics of classical education compared to more contemporary approaches, see our“What is Classical Education?” resource.
What do you mean by “Christian school”?
As a Christian school, our mission is to exalt Jesus Christ as the One by Whom, through Whom, and for Whom all of creation exists. As He is the Truth (‘Veritas’ in Latin), all truth is His truth, and all education must be provided under His lordship. This means that every subject is taught as part of an integrated whole from the perspective of a Christian worldview. Our students are trained to develop a Biblical worldview so that they will think God’s thoughts after Him, discover His hand at work in every realm of existence, and pursue truth, beauty, and goodness all of their days. Our carefully selected faculty, staff, and board model Christian living and encourage each student to grow in faith.
What is a condensed school day?
By “condensed,” we mean a shortened but focused and full schedule. Because Veritas Academy is family-based, parental involvement is encouraged, indeed, required. Consequently, the Veritas Academy Grammar Stage requires considerable at-home involvement by parents. Class hours are 8AM-12PM for grades Pre-K through 6, and 8AM-1:30PM for grades 7-12.
What does a Veritas student’s day look like?
School mornings are taken up with academic classroom work. This includes mathematics, language arts, Latin, history, and science. Afternoons are devoted to home-based academic work, requiring considerable involvement of parents, especially Pre-K to 6th grade. We expect a significant block of time to be committed to reading, homework, and other educational activities at home. However, our condensed day philosophy allows family-based and enrichment pursuits to be enjoyed at a more leisurely pace.
Students in our Grammar School, grades Pre-K through 6, attend class from 8AM-12PM. They are then either dismissed to go home, or may choose to stay for our extended day options. Extended day classes dismiss at 1:45PM. Students in our Logic and Rhetoric Schools, grades 7-12, attend class from 8AM-1:30PM with a lunch break around noon. Extended day classes are available to Logic and Rhetoric students from 1:45PM-3:05PM.
What are the tuition rates?
Please see our Tuition page for specifics.
What are the admission requirements?
At least one parent must be a Christian, having a credible profession of faith in Christ and being a member of a local Christian church. After an application is submitted, families are interviewed, and students are tested for placement in the correct grade level. We are not staffed to accommodate students with serious learning disabilities. Veritas Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin.
Please visit our New Students Admissions page for more information regarding the steps to admission.
Does Veritas offer extracurricular activities?
Yes, including drama, art, music, chess, health & fitness, field trips, and athletics. Please see our Athletics and Extended Day pages for more information.
Which classes do you offer “a la carte”?
Generally, part-time 7th - 12th grade students may enroll in a maximum of two core courses (not including Art, Music or Drama). Students who wish to enroll in three or more courses must enroll full time. Core Courses include all Math, Science, History, Literature, Latin, Logic, Rhetoric, and Bible courses. All Core Courses for 7th – 12th Grade meet 2X or 3X/week for a total of 3-4 hours/week.
Are full-time students at Veritas still considered “homeschooled?”
Yes. Students enrolled at Veritas (K-12) are required by law to register as a homeschooler and submit a Declaration of Intent form to the Georgia State Department of Education by September 1 of each school year.
Why study Latin?
The precision of thought, attention to detail, and intellectual discipline of Latin gets carried over into other subjects and areas of life. In other words, Latin students become better thinkers, better speakers, and better writers. As a result, they are more articulate and effective communicators of their faith in Christ. Read more about the benefits of Latin: 8 Reasons to Study Latin
Are older students without prior instruction in Latin eligible for full-time enrollment at Veritas?
Typically, new students at Veritas have had little or no Latin instruction. We start them right where they are -at square one if needed, and move forward. Each year we usually have several new students who have not had any Latin enter at each grade (6th, 7th, 8th grade, etc.) and we set up a separate class for them and start with introductory Latin. We would not place a new 8th grader with no prior Latin in the regular 8th grade Latin (for example) where students have already had multiple years of Latin.
How are math and science placement done for new logic and rhetoric students?
Math and Science placement are generally based on successful completion of the previous level. For example, if a student has successfully completed Pre-Algebra in 7th grade then they would be placed in our Algebra class at 8th grade. Results on a standardized placement test are also utilized to determine the most appropriate math and science placement.
Do you have graduation requirements?
Do you have a graduation ceremony?
Yes. Our graduation ceremony is typically held in May at the Independent Presbyterian Church sanctuary at the end of the year.