Mr. Frankie Daniell
Bottom Row L-R: Mrs. Winnifred Morgan, Mr. Jake Busch, Dr. Bruce Willson, Mr. Patrick Jarrett,
Dr. David Gobel
Mission of the Veritas Academy Board:
The Veritas Board of Directors exists to approve plans and policies that glorify God and best ensure the viability of Veritas Academy and its mission for future generations.
Mr. Patrick Jarrett, Board Chair
B.A. Armstrong; J.D. Texas A & M University School of Law
Patrick and his wife, Andrea, are members at The Kirk Presbyterian (PCA) where he served as a ruling elder for 10 years. They have twin daughters enrolled at Veritas. A licensed attorney in Georgia, Texas, and Alabama, Patrick is a founding partner at Jarrett & Price, LLC, a multi-state litigation law firm focused on representing individuals who have been seriously injured.
Mr. Woelke Leithart, Vice Chair
B.A. New Saint Andrews College; M.A. & J.D. Duke University
Woelke and his wife Megan are members at Grace Church of the Islands (PCA). They have three children at Veritas, with a future student still at home. Before becoming a lawyer, Woelke taught theology for six years at a classical Christian school in North Carolina. He practices law in Savannah and coaches Veritas’s Mock Trial team.
Mr. Harry Brodmann, Treasurer
University of Georgia
Harry Brodmann is the Director of Operations at Pan-Am Dental LLC. He and his wife, Candace, are members at The Kirk Presbyterian (PCA), and have one daughter enrolled at Veritas Academy.
Mr. Kenneth Crowe, Secretary
B.A. Berry College
Kenneth and his wife, Sarah, are members at the Independent Presbyterian Church of Savannah where he serves as a ruling elder. He worked for 20 years in corporate finance before “retiring” to serve as the Director of the IPC Day Camp at Point Pleasant, and to operate a small business in Savannah. They have two sons and a daughter enrolled at Veritas Academy.
Mr. Frankie Daniell
B.S. Ed. University of Georgia
Frankie Daniell is a founding board member of Veritas Academy. He has been involved in youth ministry, teaching, and coaching for many years. He is a ruling elder at Independent Presbyterian Church, where he served for several years as the Director of Camps and Missions Outreach. His wife Judy, is a former Pre-K teacher at Veritas, and their daughter, Jennifer, is both a Veritas graduate and current teacher.
Dr. David Gobel
B. Arch. Texas Tech; M. Arch History University of Virginia; Ph.D. Princeton University
David and his wife Fun are founding board members of Veritas Academy. They have two children who are graduates of Veritas. Dr. Gobel is a Professor of Architectural History at the Savannah College of Art and Design and a ruling elder at Independent Presbyterian Church.
Mr. Wallace Milling
B.L.A. Clemson University
Wallace and his wife, Amy, are members at Independent Presbyterian Church where he serves as a ruling elder. They have two sons and a daughter enrolled at Veritas. A licensed Landscape Architect in South Carolina, Wallace is a partner at Witmer Jones Keefer, a Landscape Architecture and Land Planning firm in Bluffton, SC.
Mrs. Winnifred U. Morgan
B.S.H.E. – E.C.E. University of Georgia, Post Graduate Studies Georgia Southern University
Winn received her B.S.H.E. in Early Childhood Education from the University of Georgia and pursued post graduate coursework in Elementary Education at Georgia Southern University. She taught first and second grades for six years prior to motherhood. While at home raising two children, she participated in Bible Study Fellowship International and served as the teaching leader. When the “nest emptied”, Winn returned to the classroom and taught second grade for ten years. Winn and her husband, Philip, are native Savannahians and members of Independent Presbyterian Church. They have been married forty-one years and immeasurably blessed to have four grandchildren.
Rev. Tim Shaw
B.A. Wheaton College, IL; MDiv Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia
Tim is an associate minister at the Independent Presbyterian Church of Savannah, Ga. He and his wife, Abigail, have two children at Veritas and three children at home who can’t wait to join their older siblings.
Ex Officio: Rev. Dr. Terry Johnson
A.B. University of Southern California; M.Div. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; D. Min. Erskine Theological Seminary
Terry Johnson is the Senior Minister of the Independent Presbyterian Church, in which he has served for over thirty-five years. Dr. Johnson is the author of several books. He and his wife Emily have both taught sixth-grade history at Veritas. They are founding board members of Veritas Academy and parents of five children, all of whom have attended Veritas Academy.
The Board meets monthly throughout the year, usually the third Tuesday of each month.